I’m back.
Blink and an entire year disappears. That, existentially, is the time and space in which we now dwell; and a lot has happened in that year.
Let’s Recap: I currently run my own business here in Singapore, after 8 years of calling this city-state my home. With that in mind, I’ve began a journey – let’s loosely call it Project Tetsubo for now – with an ex-colleague and great friend. We enter the story on day 235 of the project which sees me learning a new language, looking to live in a new country, and with a new business venture top of mind.
Project Tetsubo’s Origins: Anyone who knows me well, understands that I have a long-standing fascination with Japanese culture; borne out of the multiple travel experiences I’ve had over the last decade (I’ve visited Japan as many times in those 10 years) branching into food, shrines, artwork and even the humblechōchin (paper lanterns). In fact, if you look at my photo reels most of the shots are lanterns either lit up, gracing a shrine, or adorning a restaurant.

My other long-term interest, Craft Beer, is one borne partly out of the Aussie lifestyle which I became accustomed to growing up, but also lending itself to travel and experiences in a multitude of South East Asian countries, and also a 6-month USA/Canadian trip in 2011. I’ve reviewed more than 130 beers on unTappd, the last two from Craftsman Craft Beer Bistro in Gotanda, Tokyo.

Smash these two ideas of Japanese Culture & Craft Beer together and you have the crux of Project Tetsubo (鉄棒) – and the reason for the title even though it really has nothing to do with the feudal weapon. It’s the manner in which these two combine that resembles the utility of the tetsubo!
So, with a degree in chemical engineering I’ve always been fascinated with the brewing process, but was never interested in a home-scale setup, and therefore have never dabbled in it until now, where a serious business looms.
I’ve been visiting Japan regularly in the last 2 years with the goal of setting up the brewery by the end of year 3 of the project (Day 1,095). As noted in the title we are at Day 235 of the project so we are about 2/3 of the way through that 1st year, with some solid progress to be completed by November, which coincides with my next trip to Japan.
NB: I’ll be creating a dedicated category page for the project in coming days, I need to setup categorisation which I haven’t done as such.
Bring a keg back to Steak and Kidney and have it on the Outback Camp dood 🙂
13th – 17th November.
Shiny tins might work; the only keg I’ll be bringing is attached to me 😉