What timing – literally days after my first post in a year, covering off where I am with Google Guides, this badboy popped into my inbox acknowledging the 2 year milestone of using the platform. It’s been an interesting journey because I started with a short burst; took a lengthy hiatus; and then with a bunch of back-to-back travel experiences I returned with a flurry of reviews completely swinging for the fences again.

Current Stats at the Start of Year 2:
- Local Guide Level 7
- 7,226/15,000 points towards Level 8
- 82 Reviews
- 789 Photos
- 30 Videos
- 1,196 Q&As
- 2 Places Added
I’ve begun answering more of the question-related contributions on the platform, and uploading photos without reviews. Previously I wouldn’t have added a photo unless they were attached to reviews, and sometimes that becomes the roadblock because reviews take a bit of creative energy to deliver in an entertaining style. Whereas just posting photos and/or answering Y/N questions doesn’t take much brainpower to execute.
The Rule of 5’s-Only:
I did make a clear rule for myself on Google Local Guides when using the platform; which is in complete opposition to how I used Yelp. I will only bother posting a review if I think the place is a 5 or a must-visit; Now, due to the ratings options being a 4 or a 5, anything 4.5 is considered a 5 by my estimation, so this makes it a bit easier to work with.
There’s a handful of reasons why I felt I needed this sort of rule to ensure I used the platform effectively:
- I found myself posting a lot of reviews on Yelp (over 375 reviews to date); but a great many of them sit in the 2-to-4 range; It ends up feeling like you are recommending mediocrity. Reviewing everything makes you part of the barometer of a location; I want to standout, so I want to recommend great things.
- I wanted to avoid confrontation; something that is almost impossible to do if you give lukewarm or even somewhat negative reviews. Conversely, I want to actively put positive energy into the digital space so 5’s-only gives me that opportunity.
- It means fewer reviews are required from me (less is more); I’ve only done 80-odd versus the 375 on Yelp; This suits me because I am time poor.
- I want businesses to do well; Everyone has had to struggle through the last few years, and I just don’t feel like the stances I had on businesses previously hold sway in our current environment.

We’ve also just hit 3.4 million total views on 819 visual contributions (789 photos + 30 videos). That’s more than 4,150 views per contribution, which is not too shabby! I’ve somehow also managed to capture 8 followers… Great! On Yelp I amassed 4,196 friends (the max you can have is 5,000), and 68 followers…