In The Killing Moon mission in Cyberpunk 2077, Phantom Liberty once you make it to the train terminal, there’s an ambush waiting for you. After barely surviving you’ll be tasked to Defeat all NUSA operatives to reach the control tower. However, there is an apparent bug, and although it looks like you’ve killed everyone the game does not progress further… well you’ve come to the right place because we have the solution and you do NOT need to reload or go through that mission again. Hit pause on your gameplay and come read this post.
So this entire mission is intense. If you are looking for an easy way through to the terminal… there isn’t one. What I suggest doing, is clearing out each area before moving onto the next as running directly through gets you to the elevators where you get overwhelmed with the TOUGH enemies – cue the heavy gunner with 3 bars and a skull icon surrounded by fast shooters. There just isn’t enough room to engage and win, you get absolutely flogged.
So, once you clear room by room and go through each of the sections, and you are at the train terminal you are in the penultimate spot. From this vantage you need to control the terminal, by getting to the tower room.
However, here’s where things get interesting. And this happened to me on every playthrough (maybe 5-6 reloads before I figured it out).
Killing Moon Bug: I Can’t Find The Final Enemy? I’ve Killed Everyone!
The Bug: Once you’ve cleared all the enemies, there is a final hidden enemy that doesn’t attack you, but remains in camouflage, making it seem like there is a massive bug with this mission. You are tasked with clearing all enemies before you can take the tower, but its seems like you’ve killed everyone and nothing will trigger the next scene.
The Solution: (I’m on XBOX XS console) If you scan around the tower control room directly outside, you should pickup an enemy. They’ll either be directly in front of, or directly behind the control room, right near the railing, squatting, in full optical camouflage. You can kinda make them out as it’s like the predator blurryness around them. Use your scan to highlight them, I had to use a quickhack to get them out of hiding then I could riddle them with bullets to end them…

Once this is done, you have a hella fight from here as well.
What I suggest you do is stay in the control room, and if you have a good power rifle or sniper rifle (I used the Rasetsu tech sniper-rifle that you get early in the Phantom Liberty DLC) you can take care of the waves as they rush you… well placed/timed grenades also help.
Once you get through that, it’s a matter of cutscenes and the Blackwall surges and then you get to make your big final decision in the DLC…