Is Ulfric Stormcloak in History Channels, Vikings?
Yes! Yes he is; At least the actor portraying him, Vladimir Kulich is. He is known as Erik Marteinn in Vikings.

So, I was doing some work with Vikings in the background, when I heard the unmistakeable voice of none other than the High King of Skyrim himself… Ulfric Stormcloak. Looking up from the laptop screen the imposing figure of Erik Marteinn, one of Ragnar Lothbrok’s old friends and best warriors; far right in the image above. He stands 6’5 so he is indeed towering over Ragnar (6’1) and brother Rollo (6’2). His stature mak
Portrayed by Vladimir Kullich, who is also Evgeny Rokov in Starfield, the gravelly, gruff, gravitas tones are quite close to Ulfric here, though not as exaggerated. Erik seems a bit more chill than his Nord counterpart. He also has quite a similar look to Ulfric (pictured in the photo below).
Unfortunately, Erik only lasts for 3 episodes as he is surprise attacked by Earl Haraldson’s men as they look to take out Ragnar and his warriors on behalf of their Earl – to quell the threat of Ragnar rising to the throne – which he ultimately does.

Similarities to Ulfric: As noted above, Erik was a towering and mighty viking, and one of Ragnar’s best warriors. It was said he was able to kill opponents with single blows or send them flying through the air using a shield bash. Whilst Ulfric might not be as imposing in stature he certainly had the intimidating Way of the Voice, the Thu’um which allowed him to shout at opponents and send them flying through the air also.
Also like Ulfric, the viking Erik showed a loyal devotion to the Norse gods and looked down upon other religions (mainly the christians in the TV show). As a true Nord, Ulfric was also devoted to Talos, and was ruthlessly against the Imperials who had banned Talos worship under their white-gold concordat agreement with the high elves.
Finally they were both restrained. Neither could be considered a ruthless murderer. Whilst Ulfric did ‘shout’ Toryyg, the previous High King, to death – he was much restrained during the Civil War, making strategic decisions and not acting on emotion throughout the campaign. Erik showed similar restraint when he refused to butcher unnarmed monks at Lindisfarne during the Viking raids in the west.