Can you find Corporal Hick’s shotgun from Aliens in Starfield?
Yes! The Old Earth Shotgun in Starfield is a dead ringer for Corporal Dwayne Hick’s shotgun that he pulls out in Aliens, and utters the iconic line “I like to keep this handy; for close encounters” as he ratchets the pump-action. The shotgun in Starfield appears to be a random weapon drop. I’ve only noticed 2 in the wild, both basic versions with no enhancements.

It’s Ripley who realises that the marines are scouting the area near the colony’s nuclear reactor, and that their armor-piercing pulse rifles could cause the entire structure to explode should the weapons do any damage to the reactor. Lieutenant Gorman, the ranking officer, orders Seargent Apone to collect all of the marines pulse rifle ammunition. After Apone relays this order to the marines, Private Frost remarks “What the hell are we supposed to use man, harsh language?” … to which Corporal Hicks gives a wry smile before retrieving his old school pump action shotgun from his back, and declaring “I like to keep this handy…” *ratchets the pump action* “for close encounters”

Observing the shotgun in-game in Starfield, one can see that it is indeed eerily similar to that of Aliens. If one does indeed end up in close encounters, and has a legendary version of the weapon, they’ll be standing in good stead as it is a very powerful one-shot weapon in the game. You can see the clear resemblance between the shotgun weapon above held by Corporal Dwayne Hicks and the shotgun weapon below the Old Earth Shotgun in Starfield.