In the Echoes of the Past mission in Starfield there is a cell designated D-02-106 which is an optional mission objective for the player. The cell contains a cache of very good loot including weapons and ammo, but requires a computer to access. This can be easy to miss and create a bit of frustration. Below we’ll take you through the method to find and unlock cell D-02-106.

Whilst traversing The Lock with Mathis Castillo on behalf of Crimson Fleet leader Delgado during the mission Echoes of the Past you’ll enter an area will cell blocks, as you are basically in a prison structure. Each cell area has a release switch which needs to be flipped to unlock that cell block’s jail cells – and to preserve your precious digipicks!
Starfield: How to Unlock Cell D-02-106 (Requires Computer to Access)
As you move through the prison block, you’ll come across a security area with a computer workstation labelled D-block Guard Post Workstation. On this computer, you’ll find an entry LIMS-2111A/UC Message which once read will generate an optional mission objective to obtain the weapons cache. This is actually a solid loot haul, as there is a tonne of ammo after you’ve just exhausted a massive supply of it; and I also obtained an epic gun there also.
As you continue to traverse through the prison you’ll come across another security section with 2 dead guards, and some computer equipment overlooking a seating area below – which just happens to be the kitchen. I walked straight through this section completing missing the switch on the wall; by the time I made it to cell d-02-106 and realised it requires computer to access, I found myself wondering where I would need to go.
Quick Tip: If you’ve done this also – do not use your digipicks here, on any of the other cells, the switch will open ALL cell block doors.
So I had to backtrack. The easiest landmark is the kitchen; it’s open with seating and once you find that you just need to climb the stairs back up to the security station. The switch is on the wall next to the weapon rack. Once you pull the switch it will unlock all the doors in cell block D.

Once you’ve hit the switch return to the cells, which will be on the right from this security station. You’ll recognise Cell D-02-106 which is at the back on the right hand side, and there is a collapsed cell nearby. The loot here was solid, with quite a lot of ammo, and one epic weapon (a poison beowulf which I still use). The spawning I believe is random so you may receive something else here.
I highly recommend doing the optional objective here in Echoes of the Past, as the loot is worthwhile, and you are already scavenging around the area so why not? It also allows you to access all of the cells via the switches and to save your limited digipicks for other locks (there are plenty of them in this mission – the most I have seen so far).
You’ll see similar switches for the other cell block areas also to help preserve digipicks.