Random Readings from the Lost Journal of Violet the Nord — As told by Daedelas the Minstrel
Tirdas 8th of Sun’s Dusk, 4E 201

Hello Dear Traveller,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Daedelas, a wandering Bosmer minstrel who has spun tales from Markarth to the marshes of Morthal; from the sophistication of Solitude to the snowy despair of Stendarr’s Beacon. Why even the Draugr of Dead Men’s Respite have listened in wonder to my honeyed words of wisdom whilst they enjoy their eternal rest.
Today, as a native of Glenumbra Moors, High Rock, I celebrate the Moon Festival in honor of the wondrous Secunda, goddess of the moon. My humble gift on this auspicious occasion is to bequeath unto you a lively tome I discovered in my wanderings. Unearthed deep, deep, inside the ancient dwemer ruin of Kagrenzel, surrounded by all manner of traps and trickery, I discovered this journal.
But what I hold here, dear reader, is no mere diary. ‘Tis the lost journal of Violet the Nord – The truest daughter of Skyrim if ever there was one.
So who was Violet the Nord? Her inner thoughts give us clues about what drove this irrepressible woman. She was a smithe of wide renown; Harbinger of Jorrvaskr’s fabled companions; Saviour, Snow-Hammer, and Stormblade of the Stormcloaks; and wielder of the mystical hammer of might, Volendrung. And – perhaps the most feared title of all – Listener of the Dark Brotherhood.
So gather round young and old, and hold on tight to your mead, as I regale you with her journey’s the likes of which will astound and amaze you. Just as they did me!
— Daedelas the Minstrel