Random Readings from the Lost Journal of Violet the Nord — As told by Daedelas the Minstrel
Morndas 6th of First Seed, 4E 201

I’m lying in bed at the Sleeping Giant Inn, wondering when I became such a monster. Tossing and turning in my sleep, I can see my face clearly covered in lifeblood, my appetite sated with crimson.
The names fly by in my head like an endless eulogy for the damned…
Narfi, Beitild, Ennodius
How many had died? How many would die before I was truly satiated?
Hern, Lurbuk, Ma’randru-jo
Each syllable sliding off the tongue like a gloomy rollcall at a graveyard
Anoriath, Agnis, Maluril
And yet I feel no remorse, no sadness at their passing, just a sickening dread that many more needed to die.
Vasha, Nilsine, Safia
Strange how I could remember all the names but never the faces, never the faces…
Alain, Kodrir, Leifur
The last two died just because they were in my way at a frenzied feed at Anga’s Mill.
Then there’s Deekus…
Deekus, ahhh poor, pitiful Deekus. His face I actually do remember. He begged me for mercy; begged me… He pleaded that he had done nothing wrong. He offered me gold, rubies and diamonds to spare his poor wretched life. Deekus, the only Argonian that I’ve ever truly pitied – but alas he needed to die…
It had nothing to do with binding contracts, the Night Mother’s will or Nazir’s demands. In truth I just had a powerful lust for killing now. It had been days since my last feed and poor Deekus, well… he just needed to die.